If you click on the fish you will go to the video:

John Chapter 21 Summary and What God Wants From Us (3 min 32 sec)


“Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not torn. 


“Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’  None of the disciples ventured to question Him, ‘Who are You?’ knowing it was the Lord.


“Jesus came and took the bread, and gave them, and the fish likewise.”   John 21:11-13

WeakEnd Assignments

Apply God’s Word

Food for Thought

10 January 2025


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with, a way to watch the video and a refreshment.

3.     Settle in and pray that the Lord will give you not only insight but motivation for your personal ministry.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it, then read all of chapter 21 of John, taking notes, circling verse numbers or underlining verses that are significant for you.

5.     Watch the video, take notes along the way of meaningful insights.

6.     Then answer the following questions:

a.     Have you ever felt like just giving up and going back to what you knew how to do rather than trying to master something new?  Can you sympatise with the disciples as they reverted back to their old ways?

b.    What did Jesus call them as He asked them if they had any fish?  Why do you think He called them this? 

c.     How do you think the disciples felt about Jesus asking them to trust Him and cast the nets one more time? 

d.     Imagine you are there eating this meal, what thoughts are racing through your mind?

e.     How did Jesus restore the broken-hearted Peter?

f.      What do you think the other disciples were thinking as they watched and listened to Jesus speaking with Peter and what was the lesson for them…and for all of us who are His children?

7.     Pray and thank God for His amazing grace and new insights.


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.


NOTE:  I choose to believe the Bible because it's a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses.  They reported supernatural events that took place before, of specific prophecies; and claim that their writings are divine rather than human in origin.

If you gently squint, you will see why I’ve used this photo then click on a cup of coffee in the picture. Video: Alistair Begg on 12 Jan 2025 (St Thomas’ North Sydney (21 min 45 sec))


[Jesus teaching] “’Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 


“’And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am , there you may be also.  And you know the way where I am going.’


“Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?’  Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.’” John 14:1-6

WeakEnd Assignments

Apply God’s Word

Food for Thought

10 January 2025


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle in and quieten your heart and pray the Lord will give you insight, wisdom and determination to better understand the question.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it. Write the question:  ‘What does Jesus have to do with being a Christian?’ at the top of the page.

5.     Then read Matthew 16:13-20 and John 15:1-11, underlining words or verses or circling verse numbers that help you answer the question (or write them out into your notebook).

6.     Watch the video, stopping and starting when necessary to write the key points in the message into your notebook, then answer the question “What does Jesus have to do with being a Christian?’ in your own words.

7.     Pray and thank the Lord for this new perspective and ask Him to provide you with at least two people with whom you can share this important answer!


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

PS:  You can also find the devotions on line/ on your mobile phone by typing this into your phone search field: www.weakdaydevotion.com

 Find my statement of faithhttps://especiallyhislove.blogspot.com  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies).  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests/ updates, email: darlenerichard@gmail.com

Click on the bowls of raising to watch ‘David Dancing before the Lord/ Ark Brought to Jerusalem/ 2 Samuel 6/ Michal daughter of Saul’

by Gideon Films (4 min 42 sec)


“Then it happened as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David that Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.


“So the brought in the ark of the Lord and set it in its place inside the tent which David had pitched for it; and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord.  And when David had finished offering the burnt offering and the peace offering, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts. 


“Further, he distributed to all the people, to all the multitude of Israel, both to the men and women, a cake of bread and one of dates and one of raising to each one.  Then all the people departed each to his house.’ II Samuel 6:16-20


Michal was David’s first wife and not a happy lady as the nation drifted further from God.  Her feelings of bitterness and resentment went unchecked and became destructive in the relationship.  When she saw David’s unabashed joy, it was just too much, and she attacked him. 


Michael focused on Davids ‘undignified actions and appearance while David focused on the inward condition of his heart before God.  He was willing to look foolish in the eyes of some to worship God with his whole heart, including sharing his joy with everyone around him by giving them gifts.  It is critical to guard your heart from contempt and deal with these feelings as the Lord points them out.

WeakEnd Assignments

Apply God’s Word

Penalty for Joy

10 January 2025


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle in and pray for clarity and that you learn something new to share with others.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it.  Then open your Bible and read the following passages, making notations in your Bible (circle verses, underline key words or write these treasures out in your notebook) that will help you better understand what David wore and why he chose to wear it:

·       Exodus 28:6-8

·       I Samuel 2:18

·       II Samuel 6:14


Generally, the ephod represented the priestly function of intercession and the responsibility of leading the people in worship. It served as a reminder for those who minister before the Lord to be holy.


The linen ephod was a sleeveless garment worn to symbolise purity, service, and dedication to God.  Linen fabric often symbolises righteousness and holiness in Scripture.  When someone wore the ephod in worship and priestly service it was to emphasise the importance of approaching God with a pure heart and a commitment to His commandments.


5.     Some have thought David was dancing naked, but it is clear from Scripture that David was wearing priestly garments.  Why do you believe Michal was so angry at David?

6.     Have you ever experienced someone attempting to ‘throw cold water’ on your enthusiasm for the Lord?  What did you learn from the passage above that might help you dispel someone’s annoyance?

7.     Pray and thank God that He is pleased when we choose to serve Him with purity of heart and dedication even though sometimes others may not understand.


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

PS:  You can also find the devotions on line/ on your mobile phone by typing this into your phone search field: www.weakdaydevotion.com


Find my statement of faith:  https://especiallyhislove.blogspot.com  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies).  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests/ updates, email: darlenerichard@gmail.com

“According to the grace of God, which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building upon it.  But let each man be careful how he builds upon it.  For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid which is Jesus Christ. 


“Now if any man builds upon the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work.


“If any man’s work which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward.  If any man’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.” I Corinthians 3:10-15


When I first read Revelation, I began to wonder what it will be like after I arrive in heaven.  I imagined the ‘books’ are opened and the quality of my work evaluated by some random angel.  Then, I am handed a toothbrush.  My job in heaven will be to use that toothbrush to clean the spaces between the bricks of the streets of gold for eternity. 


You see, I know how often I disappoint my precious Saviour.  How can I expect more.  How thankful I will be just knowing I am home…and yet, that is not what is promised.

Crowns or Toothbrush?

3 January 2025


 1.      Set aside a good hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle in and pray that the Lord will help you find new insights when you think of your ‘job in eternity’.

4.     Open your notebook (you will need six fresh pages for this assignment), date each page and write the references below at the top of each page (as you do, be sure to underline or circle words that are important for you or circle the verses or note your personal discoveries down). 

·       I Corinthians 9:25

·       I Thessalonians 2:19

·       II Timothy 4:8

·       James 1:12, Revelation 2:10

·       I Peter 5:4

·       Personal observations


5.     Answer these questions about each passage on their specific page of your notebook:

a.     What is the name of the crown?

b.    Who is ‘qualified’ for this crown?

c.     What is required to receive this crown?

NOTE:  Be sure to read the verses above and past the verse(s) to see if there are any specific details from the setting that will help you understand the verse better

6.     On page six, consider the passages you have read and the notes you have taken.  Write a brief summary of what have you learned about crowns and why will there be no ‘toothbrushes’ in heaven?

7.     Pray and thank the Lord that all these crowns describe various characteristics of eternal life and that each of us will experience each of the characteristics! 

Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day. 

PS:  You can also find the devotions on line/ on your mobile phone by typing this into your phone search field: www.weakdaydevotion.com


Find my statement of faith:  https://especiallyhislove.blogspot.com  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies).  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests/ updates, email: darlenerichard@gmail.com

Click the clouds to watch Eric Ludy – ‘He is’ (The Names of God) Return of Majesty Trilogy by Ellerslie Discipleship Training (11 min 11 sec)


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.  Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.


“And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.  And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.  And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” Genesis 1:1-6


27 December 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Ensure you have a way to listen to the above video and bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle your heart and pray the Lord will touch your heart in preparation for a New Year of joy!

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it, then start the video and listen to all of it once, just listening. 

5.     Then listen a second time and take notes of the many names and descriptions shared.  (you can start and stop the video as you need to hear something again.

6.     Read Psalm 139 and remember the amazing personal relationship He has had with you since before you were a ‘gleam’ in your earthly father’s eye and underline, circle verses or write key points into your notebook that you can refer to through 2025.

7.     Quieten your heart once more and pray in thanksgiving for the intimacy you have with the Creator of the universe and everything in it.   

Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

 PS:  You can also find the devotions on line/ on your mobile phone by typing this into your phone search field: www.weakdaydevotion.com .   

Find my statement of faith:  https://especiallyhislove.blogspot.com  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies).  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests/ updates, email: darlenerichard@gmail.com

Click the manger to watch the video for the assignment. John MacArthur "The Truth About Christmas" (17 mins 32 sec)


“Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’” John 8:31-32

Christmas Lies!

20 December 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle in, quieten your heart and pray that God will help you see the importance of His Word for your truth.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it, then open your Bible and read John 14:1-6.  As you read, underline or circle words or phrases or verses (or just circle verse numbers) that help you appreciate the reality of unwavering Truth in Scripture.

5.     Listen to the video above.  It is seventeen and a half minutes long, so take notes while you listen (you can of course stop and start the video along the way).

6.     Once you’ve read the passages and listened to the tape and reviewed your notes and write a couple of summary thoughts about what you’ve learned that you could share with another person.

7.     Pray God will help you identify at least one person, with whom you can share what you’ve learned about knowing the Truth and thank Him for His amazing provision. 

Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day. 

PS:  You can also find the devotions on line/ on your mobile phone by typing this into your phone search field: www.weakdaydevotion.com .   

Find my statement of faith:  https://especiallyhislove.blogspot.com  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies).  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests/ updates, email: darlenerichard@gmail.com

Click the mouth of the bottle or search YouTube for “The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Anointing Oil Exodus 30:22-38 by The Whole Truth (12 min 13 sec)


“Moreover, the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Take also for yourself the finest of spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, two hundred and fifty, and of fragrant cane two hundred and fifty, and of cassia five hundred, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. 


“And you shall make of these a holy anointing oil, a perfume mixture, the work of a perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.  Exodus 30:22-25

Holy Aroma!

13 December 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle and quieten your heart and pray that the Lord will use this assignment for His purposes in your daily walk.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it, then open your Bible to Exodus 30:22-38.  As you read, underline discoveries or words that you want to remember or circle the verse numbers you see as important to consider for later.

5.     Watch the above video and take notes as you listen, of points you see as important and that you have learned from.

6.     What are the prohibitions you find there?  Write out the key points of the prohibitions in your notebook and consider why God has asked us not to recreate these mixtures.

7.     Pray and thank God for your sense of smell and that He created lovely aromas for His glory and our enjoyment and that even in this, He has a plan and purpose.


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

“Therefore, having been justified to faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained an introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.


“And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.


“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.”  Romans 5:1-6


It was such a blessing to talk with Barb by phone yesterday and rejoice in her growing stronger each day.  She was particularly excited to share how she had finally been able to walk all the way down the hallway outside her room and walk back! 


Doesn’t sound like much of an accomplishment to some, but for all Barb has gone through since her emergency surgery, it is huge!  And she shared the two secrets that are keeping her going physically.  She is: 

a.     pacing herself and taking her time.

b.    taking small steps -- one after the other till she reaches her destination.

For Barb – Small Steps

6 December 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Quieten your heart and pray that God will use the assignment today to remind you of the hope you have!

4.     Open your notebook and date it for today and draw the largest square you can on the page and divide the square into four parts and label each quadrant as the illustration to the left (Tribulation, Perseverance, Proven Character and Hope).

5. Open your Bible and read all of Romans, chapter 5, underlining verses or words or circling verse numbers that are special to you

6.     Consider a time of tribulation in your life and write a reminder in each quadrant of how God used the first three characteristics to build hope in your heart.

7.     Pray and thank the Lord that He never leaves you and He never gives up on teaching you for your good and His glory.


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

“And a voice came from the throne, saying, ‘Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great.’  Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, ‘Hallelujah! 


“For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.  Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.’ 


“It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.  Then he said to me, ‘Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’  And he said to me, ‘These are true words of God.’” Revelation 19:

His Feast

29 November 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Settle in, quieten your heart and pray the Lord will grant you more resolve to walk more closely with Him each day.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it for today, then open your Bible to Hebrews and read carefully through chapter 10, noting any personal discoveries by either circling the verses or underlining the words or verses.

5.     Consider the way you lived before you trusted Christ with your life and how the challenge of following Him through trials and temptations since then, has strengthened your resolve for a closer walk today.

6.     Note in your notebook, the five key, personal learnings from Hebrews 10 and the passage above from Revelation.

7.     Pray and give thanks to the One who ‘saw you and loved you while you were still a dream for someone (Psalm 139).


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

For the complete recipe, click on the bread above.

Picture Credit: homecookingadventure.com


“After these things Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (or Tiberis).  A large crowd followed Him, because they saw the signs which He was performing on those who were sick.  Then Jesus went up on the mountain, and there He sat down with His disciples. 


“Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near.  Therefore Jesus, lifting up His eyes, and seeing that a large crowd was coming to Him, said to Philip, ‘Where are we to buy bread, so that these may eat?’” John 6:1-5

Barley Sourdough Bread Ingredients

Overnight Starter

·       22 grams 100% hydration sourdough starter, unfed

·       137 grams water at room temperature

·       110 grams wheat flour

Bread Ingredients

  • 280 grams whole barley flour

  • 400 grams wheat flour

  • 6 Tbs wheat bran

  • 370 ml water

  • 16 g salt

  • Overnight Starter

(for the rest of the recipe, click the picture or THIS LINK.)

Barley Sour Dough

22 November 2024

Tracey is a sweet friend here in Sydney.  She loves to bake bread every weekend and her specialty is sourdough.  If you are a serious bread baker, like Tracey, you know how important it is to begin with a ‘living starter’ in your refrigerator!   


1.     Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Quieten your heart and pray that the Lord will show you new insights about how Jesus used bread to teach important lessons to the people.

4.     Open your notebook to a new page and date it and as you read the following pages, circle verse numbers or underline words, phrases or verses in your Bible and/ or write your observations for these passages:

a.     Matthew 14:13-21

b.    Matthew 15:29-39

c.     Mark 6:30-44

d.     Luke 9:10-17

e.     John 6:1-15

5.     Consider what you’ve learned about each of the passages.

6.     Write your thoughts on why feeding the multitude was so important that it was featured in all four of the Gospels and what this means for your walk as a Christian.

7.     Pray and thank your heavenly Father that, as he fed the four and five thousand and that He feeds the sparrows, He always cares for your needs. 

Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

For the complete recipe, click on the cake above.


[Jesus Teaching] “’For this reason, I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“’Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not worth much more than they?’” Matthew 6:25-26

Bible Cake

15 November 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Quieten your heart and pray that the Lord will use this time in an innovative way to remind you of His loving and faithful provision.

4.     Open a fresh page in your notebook and date it for today.  Below is a list of ingredients for the Bible cake.  Each one has a Bible reference. 

5.     Write out the first one, then the words of the Bible verse(s) and the reference.



·       ¾ cups butter – “’He asked for water and she gave him milk; in a magnificent bowl she brought him curds (butter).’” Judges 5:25


6.     Once you’ve completed the ‘recipe’ take time to pray and thank God that He graciously supplies all your food needs.

7.     If you can make time to make the cake, let me know how it turns out.



  • 3/4 cup Judges 5:25 (butter)

  • 2 cups Jeremiah 6:20 (sugar)

  • 3 Jeremiah 17:11 (eggs)

  • 2 1/2 cups 1 Kings 4:22 (flour)

  • 1/2 teaspoon Leviticus 2:13 (salt)

  • 2 Chronicles 9:9 (spices)

  • 1/2 cup Judges 4:19 (milk)

  • 1/4 cup Genesis 43:11 (honey)

  • 1/2 cup Numbers 17:8 (almonds)


(If you prefer to copy and paste the link into your browser, here it is:

https://thechefrecipe.com/2023/07/old-fashioned-bible-cake/ )


Take care with love, especially His, from Darlene, who still prays for you each day.

““’You should not have in your bag differing weights, a large and a small. 


You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. 


You shall have a full and just weight; you shall have a full and just measure, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you. 


For everyone who does these things, everyone who acts unjustly is an abomination to the Lord your God.”   Deuteronomy 25:13-16


If you slog through Leviticus and Deuteronomy, you find heaps of practical and common-sense rules, laws and guidelines that God provided for His chosen people to set them apart from the peoples around them and keep them healthy and safe.  Many continue to be relevant today. 


I’ve had the privilege of a lot of international travel and often had conversations with locals in these countries who had also travelled into the USA.  One of the common observations made by these travellers was the size of portions at meals in America, especially in restaurants. 


8 November 2024


1.      Set aside an hour and find a place to go where you will not be interrupted.

2.     Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.     Quieten your heart and pray that God provides you with some new insights about nutrition.

4.     Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it for today and open your Bible to Psalm 104.

5.     Read through Psalm 104 carefully noting verses (by circling the verse numbers or underlining words) about ways God provides and protects your food sources for your health and survival.

6.     From your discoveries, select two verses and write them out into your notebook.  These verses will be there to remind you of the abundance of foods God provides for you.

7.     Pray and thank your heavenly Father that He has planned ahead for our needs.


“’God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it?  Or has He spoken, and will not make it good?  Behold, I have received a command to bless; when He has blessed, then I cannot revoke it.’” Numbers 23:19-20


According to the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary, a promise is

(1). a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified

(2) a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act.


A Bible promise is straight forward.  With each promise, God pledges that something will (or will not) be done or given or come to pass.  These are not flippant, casual promises such as we often make – because God is NOT a man and will not lie. 


These promises of God are rock-solid, unequivocal commitments made by God Himself.  Because God is faithful, the recipients of the divine promises can have full assurance that what God has pledged will indeed be realised. However, it is easy to skip over the condition – because each promise God made also holds a condition for us. 

God’s Promises Review

25 October 2024


1.    Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.    Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with, a way to hear the video above and a refreshment.

3.    Quieten your heart and pray that you will hear a promise or two that you can use and/ or share with someone this week.

4.    Listen to the video above – it will take 17 minutes and 59 seconds.  You can stop and start it as you hear a promise you would like to remember for later and write the verse reference in your notebook and any thoughts you may have about the promise.

5.    From the list you’ve made, select three of the verse references and write out the entire verse into your notebook.

6.    Save the video for later listening and as a help to memorise just a few of God’s amazing promises for you.

7.    Thank the Lord for His many promises, especially those that have changed your perspective on life and the future.


“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.’” John 8:31-32


“Jesus said to him [Thomas], ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.  If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.’ 


“Philip said to Him, ‘Lord show us the Father, and it is enough for us.’  Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip?  He who has seen Me has seen the Father, how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?


“’Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?  The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.


“’Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.’” John 14:6-11

Knowing Better

18 October 2024


My LAST Words to the World

John Lennox by Naga Seminarian (4 min 55 sec)

I was watching a video About Bible Genealogies by Ken Ham (6 min 30 sec).  He was talking about the value of reading the genealogy lists in Genesis and the Gospels.  As he was teaching on the joy of ‘deep diving’ into the Scriptures, he was leafing through his Bible and it was…well, if you watch the video you will see what I mean. 


My little brother and I regularly discussed how to know the truth in daily life.  We would end up remembering the two Scripture verses above.  This WeakEnd Assignment is about you knowing the truth better. 


1.    Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.    Bring your Bible, notebook, a way to watch the two videos, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.    Quieten your heart and pray the Lord will guide you to His truth about reading His Word.

4.    Open your notebook and date it for today and while you watch the two videos, taking notes of things you want to remember and that you may also wish to share with a friend.

5.    Answer the following ‘inventory’ questions:


a.     How many Bibles do you have?

b.    How many books of the Bible you have read completely?

c.     Have you read all the books of the Bible at least once?

d.    Do you underline special verses in your Bible?

e.     Do you write notes in the front and/ or back fly leaves of your Bible?


6.    From your answers, perhaps you will accept a challenge to from today, read one chapter of a book of the Bible every day – just one. 

7.    Pray and thank God that you are free to have a Bible and are free to read it.  Ask Him to inspire you and give you the energy you need to discover new treasure as you complete that one chapter in a day.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.  And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.   


“And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.’” Revelation 21:1-4 


We are nearing the end of a very long series on the conditions of God’s amazing promises that started in 6 September of 2022!  The promises above remind us that the earth -- as we know it -- will not last forever.  After God’s great judgment, He will create a new earth.  

Nearing the End

11 October 2024


  1. Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted. 

  2. Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment. 

  3. Quieten your heart and pray, asking God to give you new clarity about what the Bible tells us about the end. 

  4. Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it.   

  5. Open your Bible, and as you read each one of the following passages, underline words or phrases in your Bible that are special for you to remember in the future and write these words/ phrases in your notebook next to each of the passages 


I John 1:9 – God promises that He will forgive me when I confess my sins to Him and ask Him to refresh my heart.  

 Here are the verses to read: 

  • Revelation 21:1-4 

  • Romans 8:18-21 

  • II Peter 3:7-13 

  • Isaiah 65:17 

  • Isaiah 66:22 

  • John 1:14 

6. Considering these Scriptures, write out what you’ve discovered about what eternity will be like. 

7. Pray and thank Jesus Christ anew for His gracious gift of eternal life. 

 Although we don’t know what the new earth will look or where it will be, as God’s followers, if our name is written in the Book of Life, we have the privilege of living there forever with our Saviour!

Stars and Lampstands

YouTube – What do the seven churches in Revelation stand for?

By – GotQuestions.org (2 min 8 sec)

[The apostle John writing] “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man.  And He placed His right hand on me, saying, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades. 

“’Therefore, write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things. 

“’As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands:  the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.’” Revelation 1:17-20  

Although no one can be certain of the meaning of all that is mentioned or symbolised in Revelation, one thing we can know is more about the seven churches. 


1.    Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted and where you are able to watch the video above.

2.    Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.    Quieten your heart and pray that you learn new insights about Revelation that make it even more interesting.

4.    In your notebook you will need eight fresh pages.  Date the first page for today and label it ‘Revelation Assignment’.  Label the next seven pages at the top with the name of each of the seven churches:

a.     Ephesus

b.    Smyrna

c.     Pergamum

d.    Thyatira

e.     Sardis

f.     Philadelphia

g.    Laodicea

You will use these pages over the next few assignments to better get to know each of the churches.

5.    Open your Bible to Revelation.  Read chapters 2 and 3.  Note where each one is located on the map above to better understand the geography of their location.  (keep in mind that most people had to walk and could walk a maximum of 30 miles a day, so travel between these cities was limited).

6.    Make a note of each of the greetings from the angel to each church and from the video above, what each church stands for on the specific ‘church page’ in your notebook.  (we will look at more specific details in the next assignment).

7.    Pray and thank God that He left this letter behind to encourage us to live more righteously and humbly for Him.

Credit - mavink.com

More Church Stuff

[Jesus teaching] “’Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.  But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.


“’For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.


“’Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?  Blessed is that slave whom his master find so doing when he comes.  Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions.’” Matthew 24:42-47



1.    Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.    Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.    Settle in and quieten your heart and pray that the Lord will teach you new things about the book of Revelation through this assignment.

4.    Open your notebook to where you created the seven pages (see last week’s WeakEnd Assignment) and read Revelation chapter 2 through chapter 3:13 (this will include the first five churches that we have looked at previously).

5.    As you read, note in your notebook under each of the first five churches (detailed in the WeakDay Devotion thus far):

a.     The number of verses devoted to each of the five churches

b.    Note any repeated words or terms

c.     From the devotions thus far, what have you learned about

6.    Consider why these discoveries matter in your Bible study.

7.    Thank your Heavenly Father that you can read, study and understand His amazing Word for yourself.

Witness Description

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.  His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. 


“He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.  And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. 


“From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.


“And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written.’ Kings of Kings, and Lord of Lords’.” Revelation 19:11-16 


1.    Set aside and hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted.

2.    Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.    Settle your heart and pray that the Lord gives you a new tool to use when you are reading Scripture for yourself in the future through this assignment.

4.    Open your notebook to a fresh page and date it.   Read the passage above, slowly and carefully (underlining words or phrases or circle verse numbers to remember for later).

5.    Note and write in your notebook answers to these two questions:

·      Describe in detail what Christ looked like.

·      What was He doing?

6.    When you are finished with the list, consider the answers you have found and write the one thing that stood out to you from what you learned.

7.    Pray and thank the Lord for learning something new.

more to come

Apply the Word

WeakEnd Assignments

Stars and Lampstands

YouTube – What do the seven churches in Revelation stand for?

By – GotQuestions.org (2 min 8 sec)

[The apostle John writing] “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man.  And He placed His right hand on me, saying, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades. 

“’Therefore, write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things. 

“’As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands:  the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.’” Revelation 1:17-20  

Although no one can be certain of the meaning of all that is mentioned or symbolised in Revelation, one thing we can know is more about the seven churches. 


1.    Set aside an hour and find a place where you will not be interrupted and where you are able to watch the video above.

2.    Bring your Bible, notebook, something to write with and a refreshment.

3.    Quieten your heart and pray that you learn new insights about Revelation that make it even more interesting.

4.    In your notebook you will need eight fresh pages.  Date the first page for today and label it ‘Revelation Assignment’.  Label the next seven pages at the top with the name of each of the seven churches:

a.     Ephesus

b.    Smyrna

c.     Pergamum

d.    Thyatira

e.     Sardis

f.     Philadelphia

g.    Laodicea

You will use these pages over the next few assignments to better get to know each of the churches.

5.    Open your Bible to Revelation.  Read chapters 2 and 3.  Note where each one is located on the map above to better understand the geography of their location.  (keep in mind that most people had to walk and could walk a maximum of 30 miles a day, so travel between these cities was limited).

6.    Make a note of each of the greetings from the angel to each church and from the video above, what each church stands for on the specific ‘church page’ in your notebook.  (we will look at more specific details in the next assignment).

7.    Pray and thank God that He left this letter behind to encourage us to live more righteously and humbly for Him.