Introduction to the
WeakDay Devotions 

In 1999, Janet, a dear friend, was searching for a new project.  Eventually, she was hired to work with the Sydney Olympics.  Six months later, the role turned toxic. 

Pressure grew to push her out.  At least once a week we would be on the phone or sitting on my balcony talking through the issues and considering options. 

One morning during my quiet time, I found something I hoped would help her through her day and she said it did.  For the next week I wrote out some Scripture verses and thoughts and sent them to her.  The situation at her work did not improve much but she felt stronger. 

A month went by.  I sent what God taught me from Scripture each day.  Another friend called to say they were having difficulties at work.  I told them about the email devotion, and they asked me to copy them in. 

After a couple of weeks, they contacted me again to let me know they had shared the devotion with three of their friends and asked if I would send it to them directly.  They thought more of my friends might want to be included, encouraged me to see who else might want to receive it regularly and it grew from there. 

The title originated from a long forgotten, Christian singer, Paul Herd and as those who wanted to receive the devotion grew, the title settled into: ‘WeakDay Devotion’. 

About a year later, I was contacted to do a radio interview with Gordon Moyse on his morning segment called ‘An Ordinary Christian’.  He had heard about the WeakDay Devotion from someone and wanted his listeners to know more about how and why they were written.  It was such a humbling opportunity.

Almost every weekday morning since that first e-mail to Janet, I've written a fresh word of encouragement for (by now) an untold number of friends and strangers.  Many are businesspeople who are Christians (Catholic and Protestant), some are Jewish, some have not decided about what they believe, yet. 

There are several pastors, a Catholic priest, a Jewish teacher and many students of the Bible at various stages of their walk.  Many who receive the WeakDay Devotion forward them to others and they ricochet around the world. 

They are used as morning devotions between friends at work in so many places around the world locations, including Hong Kong, Israel, Sweden, Russia, USA, Canada, Ukraine, Poland, UK, France, Australia, UAE, Fiji, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Ireland, American Samoa, Brazil, The Philippines, Iran, Estonia, Singapore, China, India! 

They are sometimes shared on Christian radio programs.  How amazing to realise how the Lord is using these meek and meagre "presents to Him" for His own purposes. 

I'm regularly surprised and humbled at the encouragement I've found in my own personal time with the Lord in preparation and watching Him use them in His own ways!

Every day’s offering is different and written fresh each day.  Some days are very short -- sometimes only one verse or two, but there's always a Bible verse. 

I use the New American Standard Bible Updated translation, unless otherwise indicated.  Sometimes there’s too much to share in one go and, in these cases, I break a devotion into continuous parts. 

Collections have featured:

·      Random verses throughout the Bible

·      Entire books, such as Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs, Daniel, the Gospels, Romans, James, Revelation

·      Topics such as forgiveness, promises, End Times, prayer and fasting, discrimination

·      Focus on a word in the Bible, such as ‘door’, ‘consumed’ or foods

·      Good Christian books, such as Christ for Real, The God Who Won’t Let Go, Trusting God, What’s So Amazing About Grace.

There are several now available through as Kindle, paperback or hardback versions.

My prayer for you, as you read through these messages, is that:

·      the Lord uses them to enrich your life

·      He will use them to challenge your heart

·      He uses them to build your relationship with Him

·      He uses them for you to help you minister to others in your everyday walk

·      most of all He will use them for your good and His glory.


IN YOUR INBOX: Some prefer to have a copy of the devotion sent out to them by email.
If you would like to be added to the daily distribution for a little, quick spiritual refreshment,
email me at 


Unless specified on the page, Scripture quotes are from the:

New American Standard Bible - Copyright © THE LOCKMAN FOUNDATION,
1960, 1961, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977,
a corporation Not for Profit, La Habra California.  All Rights Reserved.

WeakDay Devotions © 2024 Darlene D. Richard
All Rights reserved, including translation.
Northbridge AUSTRALIA

WeakDay Devotion Books

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