18 Feb. 2025
The prayer list is updated regularly.
Please remember to send updates about
how God is answering your prayer requests.
It is a great encouragement for those who
faithfully and diligently pray for those on the list.
(NOTE: Text in green holds active links leading to additional information.)
Thank you for the many encouraging updates. I thought it best to bring all the prayer updates into this section, so you can rejoice with me! Please keep the updates coming as they are a joy to share.
Barbara - (beloved widow of my brother, Tim after nearly 60 years) is home now and recovering well. Pray she can get through all the paperwork for her medical emergency. Pray for her safety, patience and for complete restoration. Pray also for those supporting her during this time and for her sister, Sue and brother, Paul, for travelling mercies as they visit.
Patti and John – are both doing better and thank you for your prayers. Patti having tests for possible Parkinson’s but OK otherwise. They have in-home help three times a week. John still having tests, but all seems to be settling. Pray for their health and health carers and that God continues to inspire them with His love and compassion.
Tracey – her broken wrist is nearly back to normal, her husband has broken his foot, her Mom is settling into the long-term, special Alzheimer’s care facility. Pray Tracey has the stamina and wisdom to walk through this time with strength and hope. Pray also for her Mom’s carers.
Other Prayer Requests
Pray for true, Christ-centred revival in America.
Samantha – pray for her health and wisdom. She is juggling full-time work and caring for her Mom, who is nearing the end of her courageous battle with terminal cancer and her Dad who is suffering with growing dementia. Pray also for the strength and patience of Stuart, Samantha’s husband as he supports her through this time of difficulty and loss.
Dr John MacArthur – battling heart, lung and kidney problems. Has been hospitalised for the last two weeks. Pray for God’s will in this and pray for his family, church family, friends, the health professionals and staff supporting and treating him.
Scott – unspoken request.
URGENT - Luke – (who we have prayed for before). Pray for some kind of social service intervention and support for this troubled man so he can get the critical and long-term help he needs to restore his health and leads to a life with hope.
Nerida – has been accepted into Morling College (Christian university) and is scheduled to begin in March. Please, pray for her as she begins a course of study and finds some satisfying part-time work.
Jayne – lost her Mom and best friend on the same day. Pray for comfort, strength and that she fully grieves through these losses.
Anna’s Mom – awaiting knee surgery, but reluctant. Please pray for her courage in the face of her fears.
Jen D – a dear friend in the UK needs your prayers for strength and robust health and that there will be many who will support her through this challenging time. Pray for the continued good health of her beloved puppy, Rosie.
Jenny S – is engaged recording the entire ESV Bible! Pray for her strength, patience and that the Lord provides her new insights through this magnificent journey. Pray for her aging father (in an aged care facility) fading away with dementia, and her mother recovering from a mastectomy. Pray God continues to provide sufficient financial support and winsome wisdom for her.
Jen N – a Jewish woman I met during a project. Pray she finds a new role and that her health stays strong. Also pray for her two boys (ages 16 and 17).
Robin – continue to pray for her strength and healing after the loss her beloved mother. Pray for her patience and that God will bring a new Christian family to surround her and support her with His love.
Paul – pray for his physical and emotional health. He still has no job or work after more than fourteen years. Pray the Lord provides needed work so he can begin to heal and strengthen.
Denny & Marci – Marci is a lifetime friend, who also helps me with the WeakDay Devotion books. Pray for her husband, Denny’s growing strength since his heart surgery in July and pray for Marci as they support each other and enjoy the New Year with joy.
Junko and Adam –Please pray God quietens her heart as she applies herself to her studies. Pray they both stay strong and healthy and get enough rest from their busy schedules.
Yoshimi –Has found work and was attending church and reading her Bible. Please pray she continues to make time for her spiritual growth with Jesus Christ.
Jeff and Rachael’s family – Peyton has a job and married a wonderful man in November. They both truly LOVE the Lord. Carter (grandson) finished his first year in college and did well. Pray they both stay focused on the Lord and surround themselves with Godly friends.
Grant and Sue – Pray for robust health and travelling mercies as they regularly visit their daughter, Elizabeth to enjoy their first (and soon-to-be second) grandchild.
Sarah and Andrew – have settled into their new roles, with him at home and her work becoming stressful. Pray for this precious Christian couple that they focus on family balance to the glory of the Lord.
Bettina – has retired after a lifetime of service to her company. Pray her five married daughters, spouses and 18 grandchildren support her as she enters this new phase of life, and that they all continue to grow in their love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ian and Jenny– pray his desire to grow his understanding and effectiveness with personal evangelism is fulfilled and that their two grown children would turn back to their relationship with Christ.
Elina – needs God’s wisdom and the courage of her convictions and resolve to live a life that is Christ-honouring for herself and her young son, Jimmy.
Christine – give her strength as she journeys to heart-healing, pray most of all that her husband gives his life to the Lord.
Pray for those in full-time service
Pray the Lord upholds our Christian leaders – that they never compromise God’s Word and remain bold and courageous in the face of evil. Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families.
Scott and Carolyn – our new pastor, his wife and three boys as they are supported and appreciated because of their wonderful commitment to Christ and His Word. Pray for their wisdom, strength, patience and that the church family will continue to grow with them.
Elaine and Jim – (the ‘Little Church’ ministry) need your prayers for their safety, health, strength and time with family as their reach continues to spread around the world in a model of home churches. Pray for continued growth of their YouTube channel and website:
Pat and Issy –as they serve tirelessly in challenging times. Pray the Lord refreshes and strengthens them with unexpected ‘streams in the desert’, wisdom and His endless love.
Ray and Kathy – Pray for Ray, recently retired from a life-time of Christian service. Continue to pray for his Mom as she fades into the growing fog of dementia and that her words will grow gentle and loving. Pray for them as a couple that God grows this new phase of their relationship.
Isaias and Judith Catorce – Pray for rest and God’s blessing as they return from their busy teaching and preaching tour. These faithful servants and leaders for Ambassadors for Christ Philippines (AFCP – TMS Global) work tirelessly to teach and lead. I’ve visited their ministry and encourage you to learn more and consider supporting them. Go to . Select the ‘Give’ option at the top of the page. Select ‘Give to a Worker.’ Type the amount of the gift and the code 6028 (stands for ‘Catorce’), then follow the simple directions.
Rev Patrick - a Bible scholar who, although retired, continues his work as part of an English Translation Review Committee working to complete a new translation of the New Testament, ‘The Antioch Bible’ (translating from Syriac to English) and are beginning working through the Old Testament. Also, pray for his teaching classes on Wednesdays (Christology) and Thursdays (book of Mark in Spanish). Pray for his health, vigour, patience and increasing skill in languages.
Clare – who ministers in CRU. Pray God gives her adequate time to rest and the energy to prepare for a holiday, that her physical, emotional and financial needs are met, that additional leaders are selected to support her and that she demonstrates wisdom with her schedule. Pray also for her younger brother, Scott, his wife, Megan and their four children.
Talitha – she and her husband are registered to attend Moore College next year to further strengthen their Christian leadership roles. Continue to pray for her health and that the hearts of those around her provide ample support for her work.
Alistair Begg – pray he will be sustained and strengthened through all storms after a lifetime in ministry and that God continues to give him increasing wisdom and grace as he presents God’s Word in love to those hungry to hear it!
Andrew M – head of Deaf Ministries Intnl., is preparing to leave for various international locations to raise awareness and funds for those who cannot ‘hear’ the Word without special care. Pray also for his family life, robust health, sufficient rest and abundant harvest.
Simon, Tamara and their children – Simon has moved to a new ministry with new challenges. Pray for him and his entire family.
John and Sheridan – pastor of a church with a small and faithful congregation. Pray God encourages them to not grow weary of their work and that the Lord continually brings abundant fruit and joy from their labour.
Audley M – and his wife Millie. Pray for their union in Christ, health, and strength. Pray for his wisdom and that he will have sufficient energy to work on his book detailing his wisdom after decades of his radio ministry as America hunger for ‘True meat’.
Pray Especially for Salvation for:
Fred and Barb – brother of Patti, and his wife.
Bryan and Julie (Patti’s daughter) Pray for the salvation of at least one of the family and that the others will follow shortly thereafter. They are parents of Callilah, Adrian, Micah, Kevin and Nate -- lost, damaged and troubled children – all of whom we have prayed for over many years.
Louisville family of Jeff and Rachael – that a desire grows in their heart for a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
R & B – exploring the Truth for themselves. Pray God places true believers in their paths to disciple them.
Peggy – a dear friend and colleague of my sister-in-law who has been battling cancer in her neck for years. Her new oncologist has started a combination of chemo and radiation that seems to be working, but she is miserable. Pray for her as she waits for her body to heal and strengthen and that she finds salvation.
Demi and John – John was attacked and stabbed several times, including piercing his heart. Although recovered physically, they are still pulling their lives back together. Pray they might find the Lord in all the chaos and that she finds work after a year of searching -- as she is now the ‘breadwinner’.
Diane, Dave and Leon – Diane needs prayer for wisdom and self-care as she looks after Leon (after surgery to remove a cancerous kidney) and for her partner, Dave (after surgery for lung cancer). Diane’s husband died of cancer at the age of 55. All three need the saving grace of the Lord’s salvation.
Pray for those with ongoing health concerns
Many of us have family, friends and loved ones with fragile health. Pray God takes special care with them and protects them in practical ways and that the Lord will have mercy on them.
Wayne B – is slowly losing his precious wife, Lyn, (diagnosed with frontal, temporal dementia about five years ago). She has been in care since May of 2020. She is now in a psycho-geriatric facility and sometimes knows who he is but is no longer able to respond. Pray for comfort for Wayne as he deals with this difficult situation.
Joni – a long-time friend, healing from a hysterectomy a series of cancer treatments. Pray the radiation has been successful in eradicating all the cancer cells and that she does not need chemo. Pray for her healthcare providers and for her protection because she lives alone.
From Steve W -- Drum roll: “And the good news? Full remission. One of the best Christmas presents ever!!!! No more chemo, except for maintenance oral doses for a bit starting in January. But no traces of cancer.
“I can’t even begin to thank you all for prayers and support. As you know, I think prayers matter. And your all’s love and support have been like a calm sea that have helped me steer through heavy, very turbulent waters.” Please pray for his son Graeme who has just had emergency surgery and is recovering.
Hans– in remission with lung cancer. His financial difficulties remain. Pray for his healthcare providers and that he is surrounded by faithful and compassionate Christian friends who will remind him of the Lord’s love. Pray for his Mom (age 85) that their time together is filled with extraordinarily good times, lots of love and laughter.
Peter R – surgery went well but return to normal is proving more challenging for him than expected. Pray for full restoration of his body. Thank God the cancer had not spread to lymph nodes. Pray he and Jillian, his wife, are surrounded by faithful friends during this time and that his health professionals are wise and supportive. Pray for Jillian as she take on the responsibility for planning an European trip for July.
Jake – continues his battle with COPD (emphysema) and heart problems (he now has five stents). Pray for his health carers and those who support him through his journey.
David –a fourth stent was successfully inserted this year. Pray for strengthening of his health so his quality of life is restored, for his patience and continued wisdom for his health carers.
Heidi -- (David’s daughter) has just gotten authorisation to be David’s full-time, in-home, paid carer. Pray for her stamina, wisdom and health.
Cathy W – home, recovering from a serious infection in her lungs and around her heart. Pray for her stamina, healing, wisdom for her health carers and those supporting her.
Philip and Sue – Philip recently had surgery. Pray for his health carers and for Sue as she supports him through his recovery.
Pray for the World
Recovery from the Fires in California – Over 30 deaths. Pray all those who have lost everything as they try to rebuild their lives.
Update Israel War - The war now involves many surrounding enemy countries. Pray for Israel and that they find any of the remaining hostages. Pray for the safety and wisdom of Israeli soldiers as they respond to continuous bombing.
Keep praying for all those still affected and for the many volunteers helping to restore order after:
· Hurricane Helene– now also battling flooding. More than 230 died. The devastation is unfathomable (as you can see when you click on the link).